All about …. Princesses, Pooch, Parrot and People

Hiya Bloggers, its been awhile, but I have had such an unusual and well needed break.

I managed to finish all my work before the mines closed on the 16th December, so for the first time in many many years I have been able to have a break.  I spent the next two weeks just reading and doing mosaics and enjoyed every minute, goodness I even had an afternoon sleep occasionally, now that is something I NEVER DO!

I also spent lots of time with my Girls and loved every minute.  Goodness they are growing up so quickly.  Little J is turning into a proper helpful little girl and C-Bear is so cute and does not stop talking.  But we have had tons of fun.


Giraffe House December 2013

Giraffe House December 2013

(I tried to put a slide show in, I hope it works.

This last week I have decided to springclean my house, tossing out everything that has not been touched, used or looked for in the last year.  I must say it is a good feeling to get rid of such stuff.

Anyway tomorrow I am back to work, not sure that I am looking forward to it after being so incredibly lazy for the last few weeks.  But, hey, I gotta make a living!

I also have two mosaics to finish before the 7 of February.  They are pictures of the artist Portchie. I have finished one, but must still finish the last one.  Here is a picture of the first one.  What do you think?

potchie 1

Anyway, hopefully I can get back into blogging again.  I have decided I am going to use my blog as a diary of my experiences with my girls.

So enjoy 2014, lets hope it is far better than 2013.

Take care, love much and be safe out there.



Comments on: "and so the new year begins…" (6)

  1. Glad you had a good break, but that is back to the Siberian Saltmines far too quickly!
    Would you believe: J starts school tomorrow!

  2. hey you
    Blessed new year cant wait to c you again

  3. So good to see you

  4. Nice mosaic there and I hope 2014 will be much kinder to you that what 2013 was.

  5. Miss Chris said:

    Welcome back – how those girls have grown and how cute they are.
    Your mosaics are really really stunningly beautiful!!!!

  6. Your work is beautiful Bloss. So glad you had a well deserved break at last. Your girls are beautiful!

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