All about …. Princesses, Pooch, Parrot and People

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 220 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.


When the decision was made that Tracy move to Johannesburg to live in her own flat at Mel’s, I knew it would be hard for both of us, what I did not expect was how hard it is for me!  She has had to give up her home, her friends and being close to half her family, I have only had to give up not having her with me.  Yet I am the one taking the most strain.


Last week was unbearable!  I went into depression, kept on wanting to walk down the road to talk to her, kept wanting to phone her to come and have supper with us, or even just a cup of coffee.  I missed her so much.   I was useless, I couldn’t seem to do anything.  I would start something and find myself staring into space.

I really don’t know how parents and grand-parents adjust to their children moving overseas.

Fortunately I got work in JHB this week so I am spending some time with her, but I know I have to go home the weekend and will be leaving her here again.  Will that make me more depressed?  I don’t know, but I do know that I have to somehow pull myself out of that rut.  As somebody said to me she is only a phone call away, she is only a 2 hour flight away, but what they don’t understand is that we have been constant companions, work colleagues, friends, confidants and mother and daughter for 17 years while we have been working together.  Taking that away is hard.

But I know I am a fighter and I will pick myself up, dust myself off and start over again.

I am just getting this off my chest, first step to getting out of this depression.

Take care, love much and be safe out there



While I was on clinical trials, my arch enemy Arthir Ritis rarely visited me and it was a pleasant time in my life.

However, he has returned with a passion, now that the trials are over.

He knocks on my door anytime between 03h00 and 04h00 each morning.  As much as I try to keep him out of my life he pushes his way through.   Once he has gained entrance he holds my hands so tight, while his tentacles encircle my toes, ankles, knees, shoulders and back, squeezing slowly until he has  my body in such a strong hold that I cannot move. He is now in full  control.  No amount of crying, begging, pleading or anger will let him leave me alone, he wants all of me!  He does not care, he just wants to inflict unbearable pain for hours.

Eventually around 10h00 he disappears as suddenly as he appeared, but I still feel the effects of his hold, slowly, oh so slowly disappearing as the day progresses, until at night I have forgotten about him only to be rudely awakened by him the next morning, and so our time together begins again!


I am not one to hate, but I hate Arthir Ritus with a passion unknown to me.   There is very little I can do to keep him away from consuming my body and from inflicting pain.

Arthir Ritis, please stop your visits, I dont like you, I dont need you and I really dont want you in my life.

Wow, I see it has been a long time since I have done a post.  Why did I stop?  I seem to have forgotten how much fun it is to write m daily babbles!  

So much has happened since April.   I had an uneventful birthday and 5 days later, Little C-Bear turned a positively old 3 years.  She is such a grown up independent little princess!  Just like her sister.  I have been travelling so much in July and August and have missed a lot of my Saturday Ganny Day with them and it is starting to get to me a lot!  



Hubby has been in hospital,  but all well now.  I have been suffering with my RA, even though I am on clinical trials.  The medication used in these trials reduces ones immune system, which means I have no little soldiers to fight germs, bugs, viruses, etc.   But somehow we survive.  


Work has even interfered with my mosaics, which I do not appreciate.  I have however, found some time to attend stained glass courses, which I am enjoying, however, that will never replace my love for mosaics!!!!!!  It is just another form of glass work which can enhance my mosaic work.  Here is my very first stained glass item





  I entered the MASA competition, but unfortunately there were not enough entries to facilitate winners, so I will never know how good or bad my entry was.   It is below, you judge and see what you think.



I am also doing an elephant sunset mosaic for a very dear friend and I am hoping to finish it by December.  



I am working in Plett at the moment, sitting in my room in the Harkerville forest, staring out at the forest, listening to all the birds chirping away in the trees.   It is peaceful and beautiful.  Maybe that is what got me blogging again. 

Well as much as I would love to sit typing and staring at the forest, I need to get back to work, preparing for a big safety audit on Friday.  

So, take care, love much and be safe out there.



Stomach in a knot

Have you ever had a job where your stomach seems to tie itself in a knot at just the mention of work?


Well I have such a place and I visit them quarterly, but about a week before the ‘trip of pain’ my stomach starts its journey to tie itself all up.  Up this way, down that way, around here, over there and so on, until that knot is tied and the closer I get to my destination the tighter the knot keeps getting!

I have always loved the Garden Route,  but lately just the mention of the Garden Route and I have visions of this company, no matter how much I tell myself the Garden Route is beautiful and related to wonderful holidays, the more this company intrudes on my thoughts!

Well,  I would say I got that off my chest,  didnt I!


Take care, love much and be safe out there


Below is an extract from the MASA site:


Competition Brief:

MASA encourages use of new techniques of applying mosaics as well as experimenting with different materials, so this competition challenges you to try something new – depicting one or more of three selected paintings of a beloved South African artist in mosaic!

On behalf of MASA and its members, we wish to thank Portchie for his wonderful generosity in allowing us permission to base our competition on his work and also for Judging the submissions. Portchie had the following to say about the work presented by our members:

I am so thrilled with all the entries. They were of very high standard. Thank you for all the hard work. They all deserve medals.”


1st Place (Novice):

MDC11 by Karin Stanford



MDC29 by Karin Stanford

I am so happy!!!!!


Take care, love much and be safe out there


5 years ago today…..

At about midday, 5 years ago today, my Little J was born.

She has brought me so much love over the years and I am so grateful for them.

Yesterday she had her party, here is her day in photos.

Js Birthday 026

Mommy, Ganny and Li

ttle J waiting for friends to arrive.

Js Birthday 015

Cake ready!

Js Birthday 029

Treasure hunted for and found.

Js Birthday 036

Little J and her friends had a great time on the water slide.

Js Birthday 069

Handing out treasures from the treasure chest on the cake.

Js Birthday 071

The cake has been demolished!

Js Birthday 088

Opening presents

Js Birthday 060C-Bear was so camera shy today and not interested in anything but all the things around her.

I will be spending this afternoon with Little J and C-Bear again.  I have been so spoilt this weekend.  On Friday I took Little J to go and buy her birthday present, a full ballet outfit.  She could not wait to put it on and show us what she has learnt so far.  Then Friday night she was with when we decorated the cake.  Yesterday was her party and today her birthday.  I really do not want this weekend to end.

Take care, love much and be safe out there.




Hiya Bloggers, its been awhile, but I have had such an unusual and well needed break.

I managed to finish all my work before the mines closed on the 16th December, so for the first time in many many years I have been able to have a break.  I spent the next two weeks just reading and doing mosaics and enjoyed every minute, goodness I even had an afternoon sleep occasionally, now that is something I NEVER DO!

I also spent lots of time with my Girls and loved every minute.  Goodness they are growing up so quickly.  Little J is turning into a proper helpful little girl and C-Bear is so cute and does not stop talking.  But we have had tons of fun.


Giraffe House December 2013

Giraffe House December 2013

(I tried to put a slide show in, I hope it works.

This last week I have decided to springclean my house, tossing out everything that has not been touched, used or looked for in the last year.  I must say it is a good feeling to get rid of such stuff.

Anyway tomorrow I am back to work, not sure that I am looking forward to it after being so incredibly lazy for the last few weeks.  But, hey, I gotta make a living!

I also have two mosaics to finish before the 7 of February.  They are pictures of the artist Portchie. I have finished one, but must still finish the last one.  Here is a picture of the first one.  What do you think?

potchie 1

Anyway, hopefully I can get back into blogging again.  I have decided I am going to use my blog as a diary of my experiences with my girls.

So enjoy 2014, lets hope it is far better than 2013.

Take care, love much and be safe out there.



A very, very hot Mpumalanga

I new it would be hot here, but I did not expect this heat.  On top of it I am sitting in a container with 9 men, a half broken air conditioner and a closed door.  I am melting, plus the increased body heat odours are not helping.  

I am in Ogies!  A place I have never been to.  There is really not much happening here, staying at a guest lodge that does not have air conditioning or a fridge.  If you think I am moaning too much, you are quite welcome to swop places with me.  In fact I would appreciate it!

Oh well another 3 days to go, then I am out of here, making my way, albeit late, to Little J and C-Bears school end of year concert.   I just hope there will be no delays in the flight, then I should make it by the skin of my teeth.  

Well thats my news for now, will catch up with you later.

Take care, love much and be safe out there. 



Bloggers Block and an update

Bloggers Block and an update.